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Verifying upgrade compatibility

Goal: we need to verify that an upgrade can proceed without:

  • breaking clients (due to a Candid interface change)

  • discarding Motoko stable state (due to a change in stable declarations)

With Motoko, we promised to check these properties statically (before attempting the upgrade).

Let’s deliver on that promise.

An unstable counter

The following is a simple example of how to declare a stateful counter.

actor Counter_v0 {

var state : Int = 0;

public func inc() : async Int {
state += 1;
return state;


Unfortunately, when we upgrade this counter (say with itself), its state is lost.


A stable counter

In Motoko, we can declare variables to be stable (across upgrades).

actor Counter_v1 {

stable var state : Int = 0;

public func inc() : async Int {
state += 1;
return state;

Because it’s stable, this counter’s state is retained across upgrades.

(If not marked stable, state would restart from 0 on upgrade).


Evolving the Candid interface:

Let’s extend the API - old clients still satisfied, new ones get extra features (the read query).

actor Counter_v2 {

stable var state : Int = 0;

public func inc() : async Int {
state += 1;
return state;

public query func read() : async Int { return state; }

Changing the stable interface

Observation: the counter is always positive - let’s refactor Int to Nat!

actor Counter_v3 {

stable var state : Nat = 0;

public func inc() : async Nat {
state += 1;
return state;

public query func read() : async Nat { return state; }

BOOM: code upgraded, but counter is back to 0.

The unthinkable has happened: state was lost in an upgrade.

What gives?

The Candid interface evolved safely …​ but the stable types did not.

An upgrade must be able to:

  • consume any stable variable value from its predecessor, or

  • run the initializer for a new stable variable.

Since Int </: Nat, the upgrade logic discards the saved Int (what if it was -1?) and re-runs the initializer instead.

What’s worse, the upgrade silently "succeeded", resetting the counter to 0.

Stable type signatures

A stable type signature looks like the "insides" of a Motoko actor type.

For example, v2's stable types:

actor {
stable var state : Int

An upgrade from v2 to v3's stable types:

actor {
stable var state : Nat

requires consuming an Int as a Nat: a type error.

Dual interface evolution

An upgrade is safe provided:

  • the candid interface evolves to a subtype; and

  • the stable interface evolves to a compatible one (variable to supertype or new)

Given version v0 with candid interface v0.did and stable type interface v0.most:

service : {
inc: () -> (int);
actor {


And version v1 with candid interface v1.did and stable type interface v1.most,

service : {
inc: () -> (int);
actor {
stable var state : Int

And version v2 with candid interface v2.did and stable type interface v2.most,

service : {
inc: () -> (int);
read: () -> (int) query;
actor {
stable var state : Int

And, finally, version v3 with candid interface v3.did and stable type interface v3.most:

service : {
inc: () -> (nat);
read: () -> (nat) query;
actor {
stable var state : Nat

The following table summarizes the (in)compatibilities between them:

versioncandid interfacestable type interface
:> ✓\<\<: ✓
:> ✓\<\<: ✓
:> ✓\<\<:


Motoko compiler (moc) now supports:

  • moc --stable-types …​ emits stable types to a .most file

  • moc --stable-compatible <pre> <post> checks two .most files for upgrade compatibility

To upgrade from cur.wasm to nxt.wasm we need check both Candid interface and stable variables are "compatible"

didc check nxt.did cur.did  // nxt <: cur
moc --stable-compatible cur.most nxt.most // cur <<: nxt

E.g. the upgrade from v2 to v3 fails this check:

> moc --stable-compatible v2.most v3.most
(unknown location): Compatibility error [M0170], stable variable state of previous type
var Int
cannot be consumed at new type
var Nat

Examples in the wild

A common, real-world example of an incompatible upgrade can be found on the forum:

In that example, a user was attempting to add a field to the record payload of an array, by upgrading from stable type interface:

type Card = {
title : Text
actor {
stable var map: [(Nat32, Card)]

to incompatible stable type interface:

type Card = {
title : Text;
description : Text
actor {
stable var map : [(Nat32, Card)]

Adding a new record field (to magic from nothing) does not work.

Metadata Sections

Motoko embeds .did and .most files as wasm custom sections, for use by other tools, e.g. dfx.

In future, dfx canister upgrade will, by default:

  1. query the IC for a canister’s dual interfaces,

  2. check compatibility of the installed and new binary,

  3. abort the upgrade when unsafe.

Why are we seeing data-loss only now?

A side-effect of a revision to Candid (used for stabilizing variables):

  • Previously, upgrades from v2.wasm to v3.wasm would fail and roll-back (no data loss).

  • Candid revision meant upgrade would now "succeed", but with data loss.

("fail safe" vs "silent failure")

The right solution

What if we really do want to change state to Nat.

Solution: introduce a new stable variable, newState, initialized from the old one:

import Int "mo:base/Int";

actor Counter_v4 {

stable var state : Int = 0;
stable var newState : Nat = Int.abs(state);

public func inc() : async Nat {
newState += 1;
return newState;

public query func read() : async Nat { return newState; }
actor {
stable var newState : Nat;
stable var state : Int

(Or use a variant from the start…​)